

Here are a few comments about the experiences clients have had when working with Gail.  Not only did they say the sessions were extremely helpful and meaningful, they also felt very safe, at ease, and comforted.



Session notes 3“Bothered by not being able to lose weight” 61 year old female

During session found a hidden Heart Wall made of granite that was contributing to her inability to lose weight.  In two sessions the Heart Wall was removed and she stated “she was no longer concerned about her weight!”  She was intrigued by the notion of the Heart Wall and wanted to read The Emotion Code book by Dr. Bradley Nelson.(Rating score went from an 8 to 0 in two sessions)




Session notes“Attracting new clients to private Energy practice and feeling alone due to recent move” 63 year old female

She definitely felt the trapped emotions moving out of her body when we worked on her feeling alone. She said, “It is just gone.” (Rating went from 6 to 0)

As far as attracting new clients, she reported that once we got to the emotion of being “Taken for Granted” that it provided a lot of relief/release. (Rating went from 7 to 2)



parachute-679920_640“Fear of falling related to weak Right Hip.” 67 year old female

Client had fallen on tailbone the previous year and then was in a motor vehicle accident. She was told by her osteopath that slamming on the brake with her right foot had caused inflammation in the right hip bursa. Limited mobility had been going on for months. Although the pain was now minimal she had a “fear of falling” or “having her feet go out from under her.” She was amazed at how grounded she felt after the session and experienced the feeling of being “very peaceful.”  (Rating from 7 to 2) Follow up two days later and her fear was gone!



“Pain in sacral area and Left big toe”  45 year old male

Client reported pain in sacral area which he gets every once in a while.  Pain in left big toe, felt like it was jammed. After the session he remarked, “Wow!  That feels great. The pain in the sacrum is gone!” (Rating from 7 to 0) Also said, “I am slightly aware of my big toe.” (Rating from 4 to 1)



flowers-19830_1280“Fear of moving forward with new integrative work in private practice” 53 year old female

Client had only taken baby steps or no steps.  Felt it was a safety or self-esteem issue related to lots of childhood issues.  Worked with Heart Wall which revealed it was made of rose flowers and thorns and 24 yards thick.  After two sessions it was completely removed.  She was happy and felt a shift in her body with several of the trapped emotions, especially at how “being made to wear goulashes” to a new school at age 8 had caused the trapped emotion “Horror” in her body.  She laughed at how that could have such a powerful effect on a small child’s future. (Rating from 9 to 0)