

Gail with Dr. Bradley Nelson, January 2015

All sessions occur via Skype, telephone, or email. This allows me to work with people from all around the world.

♥  For Skype and telephone you call me at your pre-arranged appointment time.

  For email, I will give you a window of time and ask that you spend a few minutes during that time to focus on the issue that you have already given me permission to work on. I will email you the notes from the session.




My work starts by getting your permission to connect with you energetically. This energetic long distance connection is done through asking questions and my muscle testing for the answers from your sub-conscious mind. I am acting as your proxy.

Then, for an Emotion Code Session, continuing to use muscle testing and asking questions of your sub-conscious mind to find which one of the 60 Trapped Emotions from the Emotion Code Reference chart is causing the imbalance in your system. For example, “Is there a Trapped Emotion that is causing this pain in your shoulder?” I remove that Trapped Emotion as described next, then return and ask if there is another Trapped Emotion involved, remove it and continue until there are no more identified at that time.

Just like a magnet can erase the information on your credit card, I remove each Trapped Emotion by running a magnet or my fingertips up over the top of my head on the Governing Meridian.

The Governing Meridian connects with all of the other meridians and sends the “removal message” throughout the body’s energy system.

I can ask a host of questions to find Trapped Emotions that are stored in your body. I can also ask about any issue from financial struggles, weight issues, immune system problems, feeling lonely, and about any situation that is presenting a problem in your life----the list is indefinite!

For a Body Code Session, the questions can be the same but there are six major areas of imbalance and within each of them there are a multitude of layers that can be addressed. The Trapped Emotions are included but there are at least another 120 possibilities! Fortunately, the sub-conscious mind knows exactly what it wants to release and in what order so the sessions can be both quite mysterious and magical at the same time. It is all about bringing balance back to those three body-selves making the conditions right so that the body can heal on its own.

heart-700141_640Heart Wall sessions are a type of Emotion Code sessions that remove the negative Trapped Emotions that the Spirit and body used to protect the heart from being totally broken when some traumatic event has happened in a person’s life.

Within 48 hours, I will provide you with notes from the session. Usually they will arrive by email.




Email or call me if you have questions about working with me and the Emotion Code or Body Code. The Comprehensive Body Code Consultation provides a “big picture view” but regular Body Code or Emotion Code sessions can address your specific concerns or issues.

Schedule a session using the payment buttons below.

freedom-225pxAt the designated time contact me. Have water available to drink and best to have no distractions from others or pets. This is time dedicated to you.

At the beginning of the session give me a brief description of what you would like to address.

As imbalances come up you can share as little as you want or as much as you want. Typically I ask, “Does this ring a bell?” If it does fine, if it doesn’t that is also fine. Perhaps later you will have a thought about it.

This work is very gentle. Do not fear being re-traumatized by anything that comes up. The sub-conscious is ready to release it and move on.

Keep an open mind and be patient with the findings. Some people improve immediately while others may take longer as each layer is released. If issues re-occur, it just means more work needs to be done.

Giving me feedback is greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance if you choose to partake in this amazing work!



​<span id="__caret">_</span>All sessions occur via Skype, Telephone, or email. This allows me to work with people from all around the world. For Skype and telephone you call me at your pre-arranged...<img src="" data-wp-more="more" data-wp-more-text="" class="wp-more-tag mce-wp-more" alt="" title="Read more..." data-mce-resize="false" data-mce-placeholder="1" />appointment time.<span style="color: #800000;" data-mce-style="color: #800000;">♥</span>  <strong><span style="font-size: 18px; color: #800000;" data-mce-style="font-size: 18px; color: #800000;">For email,</span></strong> I will give you a window of time and ask that you spend a few minutes during that time to focus on the issue that you have already given me permission to work on. I will email you the notes from the session.

All sessions occur via Skype, Telephone, or email. This allows me to work with people from all around the world. For Skype and telephone you call me at your pre-arranged...appointment time.  For email, I will give you a window of time and ask that you spend a few minutes during that time to focus on the issue that you have already given me permission to work on. I will email you the notes from the session.