


sunset-473754_640Did you know that your conscious mind only controls 5% of what you do? It is the sub-conscious mind that controls the other 95%. The sub-conscious mind is the main operating system so you want to explore and change its programming.

Most of what went “into that programming” happened during your first 6-7 years of life. Those programs are really composed of your thoughts, beliefs, emotions and attitudes that you received from your parents, siblings, other family members, your living environment (chemicals, toxins, pathogens, etc.) and other external influences. You were like a sponge during those years. Your rationale, logical mind didn’t even start to develop until you were age 7.

When you go into the operating system of the sub-conscious and bring the data and other proclivities into conscious awareness to truly see what has taken control of your life, the chains of those bonds can be broken and the body can be liberated. When the body is liberated the energy that you used to create those programs is released and you now have raw material to create a new life.

Layer by layer when you deprogram those early installments you liberate that energy. The release of energy is like a healthy boost of some wonderful elixir. Not only are you energized but you feel joy which is part of your inherent/innate nature. Joy emerges to uplift you, inspire you, and open new unexpected doors and new possibilities.

Well Body Energy will be there consistently to fuel your life. Would you like more?





balance-300x225Life requires us to take care of our physical, emotional, and mental selves. These selves are like three separate bodies each having their own needs. Because we can’t pay attention to all of the body-selves at once, we must give each one our attention as it calls for it. Like caring for triplets we only have two hands so we will have to alternate which body-selves get attention. This juggling act requires that we are catching up on a regular basis.

Mastering life requires that we keep all our body-selves “caught up” and balanced. As human beings we also go through cycles which are part of life. Sometimes we have sunny days and sometimes rainy days. So just know that it is just life and it is okay. It would be unrealistic to think that we can be happy all the time.

What if there were a system that would assist you in that juggling act with those three selves and help you achieve that balance and give you a sense of being “caught up”?




The Body Code System developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson provides a window into that sub-conscious operating system and addresses all three of the body-selves in a very comprehensive and efficient way. It is perhaps the fastest and gentlest method available to bring balance to the mind, body and spirit. It gets to the root cause of any underlying, hidden or secret imbalance in our bodies, minds, spirits plus any area of our lives that create the causes for dis-ease / disease. This powerful System can be considered a great preventive method to ward off disease.

If any of the three body-selves go unchecked, it will affect the other two. Because the Body Code incorporates elements of all three body-selves those linkages, roadblocks, or imbalances can be easily detected. Let’s start with the Mental body-self and see what the Body Code can unravel.




The mental body just loves to think. It is really quite indiscriminate in what it thinks about. It is we who must decide what we want to feed our mental body-self. Just like with our physical body we don’t want to feed our mind garbage. Most people, however, do not realize that thoughts are things, and they will digest thoughts that result in a mental stomachache, better known as a “headache”. Because the mind is addicted to thinking it is like a thought junkie. Now add the fact that there were many thoughts, beliefs, and attitudes that got stored in the sub-conscious in those first 6-7 years that I person isn’t even aware of. One of the six areas of imbalances that the Body Code looks at is Energy imbalances. There is a sub-section called mental imbalances which includes energies such as broadcast messages, despair anchors, images, memory fields, will to die, no will to live, and need for T3 session. Negative thought patterns that are either severe, repetitive or both cause the imbalances in these mental energies. We can also develop idea allergies that result from negativity surrounding a certain idea. Bringing these imbalances into consciousness will allow them to be released making more room for the thoughts that will lead to joy and freedom. Quieting the mind with even 5 minutes of focused thought, like meditation can also help this mental body-self re-align itself.



Our emotions are simply gross extensions of our thoughts in the form of energy. The emotional body-self fulfills itself through feeling emotions and different forms of excitement. Emotional energies are necessary for navigating life and are actually Divine gifts if we use them for their highest purpose.

The emotional body doesn’t really care what it feels; it enjoys stimulation of any kind. It will feel nourished through exuberance, anger, surprise, disappointment, joy, sorrow, and even fear. Our challenge is to learn the proper way of caring for our emotional self. Emotions are just pure, vibrating energy that are meant to move, be processed or “let go of” automatically. They are what make us human.

However, beginning in those first 6-7 years we can be taught that many emotions which accompany thoughts, beliefs and attitudes are to be ignored, avoided, stuffed, or controlled and they get stuck in the body in the form of Trapped Emotions. That means that that particular emotional frequency remains in the body because it was unable to be processed normally. Those Trapped Emotions distort our natural vibration and then distort the tissues of the body. You can eventually end up with having physical symptoms like pain or disease. Also, that part of the body is continually vibrating at that particular frequency, making one more susceptible to falling in resonance with that frequency and experiencing that emotion much more often. Thus is born, for example, the angry person.

Trapped Emotions can also make their existence known by emotional self-sabotage and emotional feelings that you can’t seem to shake. Unfortunately they can affect your interpretation of behavior, causing such things as misinterpretation, overreaction, and making wrong assumptions. They are a major driving force behind mental issues, such as depression, anxiety, phobias and more.

Initially, The Emotion Code was developed as the safest and healthiest way to identify and remove these trapped balls of energy. Dr. Nelson is a chiropractor and after years of clinical experience developed a chart of 60 emotions that could allow one Trapped Emotion to quickly be identified through muscle testing on either the client or on the practitioner acting as proxy for the client. One emotion at a time is found and once it comes to the surface of the body it can be released magnetically by using the pathway of the Governing Meridian to signal to the rest of the meridians to release the trapped emotional energy. The acupuncture/meridian energy system has been used in China for 2500 years with excellent healing results.

Stacked-rocksIn 1998, Dr. Nelson also discovered The Heart Wall that is composed of negative trapped emotions that the Spirit and the body use to protect the heart from being totally broken when some traumatic events happen in a person’s life. The heart is seen as the core of your being, the seat of the subconscious mind, the seat of all creativity, and the center of who you are. This protective mechanism is developed in 93% of people usually early in life. It can be removed using just the Emotion Code or it may show up in a Body Code session and can be removed.

Dr. Nelson then went on to develop the much larger and more comprehensive Body Code System which includes six areas of imbalance: energetic, toxicity, circuitry, pathogens, structural, and nutritional.

Trapped Emotions are far more abundant than any other kind of energetic imbalance we find in the body. Both the Emotion Code and the Body Code can address them but the Body Code can also identify other energy imbalances like post trauma, psychic trauma, addictive energies, offensive, etc.

There are also many satisfying ways to nourish our emotion body-selves. Music, dance, walking in nature, singing, poetry, reading uplifting materials, tea with friends, theater and all of the arts are just a few of the many activities that can bring joy to our souls.




The body likes to eat, sleep, have sex and enjoy sensory pleasures. On a deeper level it houses us and gives us messages that help us understand the lessons we came to earth to learn. Those lessons deeply connect us to how to work with the body and make peace with it. Learning through experience we find that when we overindulge in an activity or in what we eat we don’t feel too good. When we under-indulge it doesn’t feel good either. Those feeling/sensations are also connected to our mind and emotions demonstrating how these three bodies are all interconnected.

We all know the effects of physical trauma to the body. Physically, our skeletons, organs, and glands can all get misaligned and distort our energetic fields. Eventually these distortions show up as pain or disease. In addition to the other body systems like the respiratory, circulatory, etc. there are also the acupuncture/meridian system, the chakras and other energy systems that can get imbalanced.
In addition, we live in an environment where we are exposed to toxins, magnetic fields, and pathogens. Our nutritional sources can be impacted by these. We may not be taking in the best foods, herbs or water that support our individual health. Our life styles also have a big impact on our physical body-selves as well as the other two body-selves. Sleep, stress, addictions, etc. can affect all three body-selves.





Fortunately, the Body Code system presents an effective way to detect these types of imbalances. We often think of only the current situations like injuries, but the imbalances may have existed for years and weakened that area and made it more vulnerable to injury. Removing those blockages can helps us regain more energy, vitality, and joy.

Please feel free to contact me if you want to partake in this amazing journey of self-discovery and lead to your body-selves to heal themselves.

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